Caring for one another is another important aspect of our faithful service and nurturing fellowship.  If a church member reports a physical or spiritual need, we do our best to help them face that challenge.  We call it our Needs Among Us ministry.  We have helped dozens of members each year with specific requests for help with home repairs, financial burdens, prayer support, delivered meals, and much more.  In fact, we even had a few members donate a car to someone who had lost their transportation!  We take care of one another while also reaching out to the needs of our community.

In addition, we engage in visiting and sharing fellowship with those who are in the hospital, in care facilities, or otherwise limited in their ability to get around.  We have several meal, transportation, communion, and other services to share.  We also believe in the power of prayer.  Our prayer chain and prayer shawl ministry are important parts of our caring ministry to one another. In addition, our Life Groups and other fellowship groups seek to care for one another through the ups and downs of life.

We are also blessed with the dedicated caring ministries of our deacons and Stephen Ministers.